Saturday, February 14, 2009

Vary short brick film

Here is a vary SHORT brick film that I made.  It really doesn't have a purpose, I just wanted to see if I could make a movie.  Yipee! My first brick film! 


Anonymous said...

Wow! my first brickfilm was much worse than that! (I've been making them for about 2 years, but haven't added sound untill recintly.)

Nathanael said...

Thanks, SR! How are your brickfilms going?

Anonymous said...

O.K. Nathanael that was neat. I don't like the music though.

Jared -or- A Kitten said...


You should check out my brickfilms on my family blog. Look for "James Bonk 0.07" and "The Feline" in the 2008 archives. There are a couple other ones too.

Nathanael said...

Cool, I will! I have already seen the james bonk 0.07, but I want to see the other ones!